
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ - home










Commissioning of the Grounding System of Transmission Line of HPS Santo Antônio at High Current  Injection Method
Araújo, C. M. B, Trondoli, L.H.P.C.
Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação - Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos – EESC. Laboratório de Sistemas de Energia Elétrica – LSEE
Universidade de São Paulo, USP. Brasil






Implementation of a New Algorithm with Fuzzy Inference in FPGA for Synchronous Generators Wind Turbine Against Loss-of-Field Protection
Araújo, C.M.B(1),Trondoli, Luiz Henrique P.C.(2)
1. Department of Research and Development. Global Energy Engineering Services and Technology. Sao Paulo. Brazil
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of São Paulo - EESC, São Carlos. São Carlos - SP - Brazil






New Mode Transition of H-bridge Bi-directional DC-DC Converter in Distributed Generation Systems
Yi Lingzhi(1,2), Chen Yu(1,2), C. Ren Xuliang(1,2), D. Xhang Hao(3)
1. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing & Information Processing (Xiangtan University)
     Hunan Province, Xiangtan. China
2. Wind power equipment and power conversion 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center
     Hunan Province Xiangtan. China
3. CSR Zhuzhou Electric Motor CO, LTD, Hunan Province, Zhuzhou, China






Multi-Objective Techno-Economic Assessment of Real Life Hydrocarbon Facility Real Power Loss and Power Factor Optimization Using Improved Strength Pareto and Differential Evolutionary Algorithms
M. T. Al-Hajri(1), M. A. Abido(2), M. K. Darwish(3)

1. Power Systems, Saudi ARAMCO Oil Company, Dhahran. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2. Electrical Engineering Department, King Fahad University (KFUPM), Dhahran Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
3. Computer & Electronic Eng. Department, Brunel University, U.K., Uxbridge. United Kingdom






Study of Nanoparticle Fluid Mixtures for Heat Enhancement and Heat Storage in a Cavity
H. Acheheb(1),  M.Z. Saghir(2)

1. Blida University, Food Department, Faculty of Natural Science and Life. Algeria
2. Ryerson University, Dept of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Toronto. Canada






Evaluation of a new Power Quality index, based in Higher Order Statistics
J.M. Sierra-Fernández, J.J. González De La Rosa, A. Agüera-Pérez, J.C. Palomares Salas, O. Florencias- Oliveros

1. Department of Automatic and Electronic Engineering, and Computer Architecture
    and Network.  Cadiz University . Escuela Politécnica Superior –Cádiz. Spain
2. Research Group PAIDI-TIC-168






A novel instrument for power quality monitoring based in higher-order statistics: a dynamic triggering index for the smart grid
Olivia Florencias-Oliveros, Agustín Agüera-Pérez, Juan-José González de la Rosa, José-Carlos Palomares-Salas, José-María Sierra-Fernández

Research Group PAIDI-TIC-168, Computational Instrumentation and Industrial Electronics (ICEI). Spain
Department of Automation Engineering, Electronics, Architecture and Computer Networks.  Polytechnic School of Algeciras, University of Cádiz. Spain






A Relevant Inrush Current Limitation Based on SCRs Smart Control Used in EV Battery Chargers
S. Jacques(1), C. Reymond(1,2), G. Benabdelaziz(2),  J.-C. Le Bunetel(1)

1. University of Tours (France), Research group on materials, microelectronics,
     acoustics, and nanotechnology. GREMAN CNRS UMR 7347 Tours. France
2. Application and System Engineering, STMicroelectronics Tours SAS. France






Implementation of High Frequency SVM in a Digital System for CSI-SiC Inverter
E. Fernández, A. Paredes V. Sala, L. Romeral

Department of Electronics Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia. MCIA. Terrassa. Spain






Control Method of Impedance Network in SiC Power Converters for HEV/EV
E. Fernández, A. Paredes, V. Sala, L. Romeral

Department of Electronic Engineering, MCIA Group, Catalonia Technical University, Terrassa. Spain



A Series Compensation Device for the LV Power Quality Improvement
F. Belloni, R. Chiumeo, C. Gandolfi, A. Villa

Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico, RSE s.p.a. Milano. Italy






Assessing the impact of photovoltaic self-consumption support policies on energy losses
J. García-Villalobos, P. Eguía, E. Torres, A. Etxegarai

Department of Electrical Engineering - University of Basque Country - UPV/EHU. Bilbao. Spain






Present and future multiterminal HVDC systems: current status and forthcoming developments
G. Buigues, V. Valverde, A. Etxegarai, P. Eguía, E. Torres

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, UPV/EHU. Bilbao. Spain






A Three-Phase Grid Synchronization System with Sub and Interharmonics Immunity
Renato Guerreiro Araújo(1), Francisco Kleber A. Lima(1), Ernande Eugênio C. Morais(1), Carlos Gustavo C. Branco(1), Juliana Isabel L. Uchôa(1),  José de Ribamar L. Filho(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Ceara, UFC. Fortaleza, Ceara. Brazil
2. Eletrobras Distribution Piaui. Research Management, Development and Energy
    Efficiency. Teresina, PI. Brazil






A Relevant Fuzzy Logic Algorithm to Better Optimize Electricity Consumption in Individual Housing
S. Bissey, S. Jacques,  J.-C. Le Bunetel

University of Tours (France), GREMAN CNRS UMR 7347, Tours. France






Power Hardware In The Loop Realization, Control and Simulation of Synchronous Generator Using Three Phase VSI for Microgrid Studies
B. Ojaghloo, G. B.Gharehpetian

Electrical Engineering Department.  Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran. Iran






Generation of Electricity using Renewable Energy Resources
Saifur Rahman(1), Alwadie A.(1), Faizan A Khan(2)

1. Department of EE, Najran University, India
2. Department of EE, Integral University, Kursi Road, Lucknow. India




A finite element model of an induction motor considering rotor skew and harmonics
F. T. Oliveira (1), M.P. Donsión (2)
(1) Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal and INESCC, Portugal
(2) Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Vigo, Spain


Overview of alternative energy in Brazil
A. H. X. da Costa(1), L. G. de M. Vasconcelos(1), J. T. Neto(2), A. O. Salazar(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering.
2. Department of Computation and Automation Engineering. UFRN - Rio Grande do Norte. Brazil






Study on Application Usage Scheduling considering Usage Pattern in HEMS
Je-Seok Shin,  Dae-Sik Lim, Jin-O Kim

Department of Electrical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seongdong-gu. Seoul, South Korea






Genetic programming to extract features from the whole-sky camera for cloud type classification
J. Huertas(1), J. Rodríguez-Benítez(2), D. Pozo(2), R. Aler(1), Inés M. Galván(1)

1. Computer Science Department . EVANNAI, University of Carlos III. Spain
2. Physics Department.  MATRAS, University of Jaén. Spain






A demonstrator tool to provide the network operator with micro-services  based on big data and semantic web technologies
E. Bionda(1), F. Belloni(1), R. Chiumeo(1), D. Della Giustina(2), D. Pala(1), G. Proserpio(1), S. Pugliese(2), H. Shadmehr(1), L. Tenti(1)

1. Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico – RSE S.p.A. Milano. Italy
2. Unareti S.p.A. Reti Elettriche , Milano. Italy


