
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ - home









Advanced methods of signal processing for Power Quality assessment
Álvaro Jiménez Montero(1,2), Agustín Agüera Pérez(1,2), Juan José González de la Rosa(1,2), José Carlos Palomares Salas(1,2), José María Sierra Fernández(1,2), Olivia Florencias  Oliveros (1,2)

1. Department of Automation Engineering, Electronics and Computer Architecture.
    Cádiz University. Spain
2. Research Group PAIDI-TIC-168: Computational Instrumentation and Industrial
    Electronics (ICEI), Algeciras-Cádiz, Spain






Electrical Characterization of PV Modules employing Supercapacitors – A Scalable Method for Field Metrology
S. Basu Pal(1), K. Das (Bhattacharya)(1),  D. Mukherjee(2), D. Paul(3)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
    Technology, Shibpur P.O. Botanic Garden, Shalimar Shibpur Howrah, West Bengal .India
2. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Indian Institute of
    Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur P.O. Botanic Garden, Shalimar
    Shibpur Howrah, West Bengal. India






Functionalized Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) Two-Dimensional Heterosystems for Solar Cell Applications
A.I. Shkrebtii(1),  M. Rohlfing(2)

1. University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario.Canada
2. Institut für Festkörpertheorie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Germany






Reabsorption Losses in Luminescent Solar Concentrators: Effect of the Band Gap of Semiconductor Quantum Dots, their Size and Dispersion
A.I. Shkrebtii(1), A.V. Sachenko(2), I.O. Sokolovskyi(2), V.P. Kostylyov(2), M.R. Kulish(2),  D.V. Khomenko(2)

1. University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario.Canada
2. V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv. Ukraine






Optimization of Recloser Placement in DG-Enhanced Distribution Networks Using a Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
Fabián López,  Andrés Pantoja

Department of Electronics, Universidad de Nariño, Pasto. Colombia






Superconductivity and their Applications
A. Roque(1,2), D. Sousa(2,3),V. Fernão Pires(1,2), E. Margato(4)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering. ESTSetúbal/Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Portugal
2. INESC-ID. Lisboa. Portugal
3. DEEC AC-Energia, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. Portugal
4. CEEI, ISEL-Instituo Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, and INESC-ID. Portugal






Model Predictive Control of STATCOM for Grid Voltage Regulation
Nima Kadivarian, Mohammad Tavakoli Bina, Mohsen Akbari

Department of Electrical Engineering.  K.N. Toosi University of Technology Tehran. Iran






Home energy management systems and electric vehicles: challenges and opportunities
I. Junquera, J. García-Villalobos, I. Zamora, P. Eguía, J. I. San Martín

Department of Electrical Engineering - University of Basque Country. UPV/EHU. Bilbao. Spain






Reliability applied to the Preventive Maintenance on Wind Farms using Weibull distribution with a Financial Approach
Leandro Ribeiro Alves da Silva, Ricardo Ferreira Pinheiro

Department of Electrical Engineering.  MPEE, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. Brazil






Analysis and computer modelling of a Rate of Change of Frequency Relay for islanding detection in the software ATPDraw
T. S. Menezes, Y. V. Tresso, G. J. Schäffer, F. A. M. Moura, M. V. B. Mendonça, P. H. O. Rezende, M. R. M. Castill
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Electrical Engineering Department, Uberaba- Minas Gerais. Brazil






Comparative analysis methodologies formulation powers in the frequency domain
G.J. Schäffer, S.L.Modesto, T. S. Menezes, Y. V. Tresso, F. A. M. Moura, M. V. B. Mendonça, P. H. O. Rezende,  M. R. M. Castillo

Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Electrical Engineering Department, Uberaba- Minas Gerais. Brazil






Soil Resistivity: A Limiting Determinant to Zero-Sequence Currents for Grounded Conductors in South African Low Voltage Networks
Q. Louw , P. Bokoro

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology. University of Johannesburg . South Africa






Modeling and Control of a Microgrid in Islanding Mode
F. Dulce(1), A. Gauthier(1),  A. Pantoja(2)

1.  Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica. Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá. Colombia
2.  Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica. Universidad de Nariño. Pasto. Colombia






Photovoltaic potential assessment and ranking of rooftops segments based on LiDAR data
N. Lukac, B. Zalik, G. Stumberger

University of Maribor. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Slovenia






Improving the Summation Law for Harmonic Current Emissions of Parallel Operated PV Inverters by Considering Equivalent Grid Impedance
H.A. Moghadam, F. Ackermann, S. Rogalla

Department of Power Electronics.  Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Freiburg. Germany






Economic and operational risks in wind energy projects in Latvia
D. Bezrukovs, A. Sauhatas   

Riga Technical University  RTU . Latvia






Sizing Electric Battery Storage for Electric Racing Motorcycle
A. Rodríguez, J. M. González-González,  J. A. Aguado

Department of Electrical Engineering. E.T.S.I.I., University of Málaga. Spain






Protection Measures on Wind Turbines against Lightning Strikes
Sokratis Pastromas, E. Pyrgioti

High Voltage Laboratory, University of Patras. Greece






Battery state-of-charge estimating using Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter with Fuzzy modelling of the nominal battery capacity
A. Boutte(1), F.Lakhdari(2),A. Midoun(2) , A.Hayani(1)

1. Spacecraft Integration Department, D-AIT, Satellites Development Center; CDS; Oran. Algeria
2. Laboratory of Power Electronics and Solar Energy "LEPES"
    University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, U.S.T.O.Oran. Algeria






Voltage Control Areas in Transmission Systems with Distributed Generation
W. R. Faria(1), M. E. De Oliveira(1), E. S. Hoji(2), G. P. Viajante(1)

1.  Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás at Itumbiara,  NUPSE. Brazil
2.  Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo at Birigui. Brazil       






A literature survey on power quality disturbances in the frequency range of 2-150 kHz
S. Subhani, V. Cuk, J.F.G. Cobben

Department of Electrical Energy Systems. Eindhoven University of Technology  Eindhoven. The Netherlands






High-voltage Gain DC-DC Boost Converter with Coupled Inductors and Interleaved for a PV System to Supply Data Centers
 Katiuscia Lopes dos Santos, Fernando Luiz Marcelo Antunes

Department of Electrical Engineering.  Federal University of Ceará. Brazil






A Fixed-Frequency Soft-Switched Interleaved 3-Phase AC-to-DC Converter
Y. Du(2),  A.K.S. Bhat(1)

1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of Victoria. Canada
2. Is now with Rinte pipe Ecomaterial Co., Ltd., Chang Zhou. China






Multistage configurations for hybrid thermosolar gas turbine power plants
C. Miguel, R.P. Merchán, M.J. Santos, A. Calvo Hernández,  A. Medina

Department of Applied Physics.  University of Salamanca. Spain






Corrosion testing of a diesel engine common rail system using various types of biodiesel
A. Alcántara-Carmona, J. Sáez-Bastante, M.P. Dorado

Department of Physical Chemistry and Applied Thermodynamics. E.P.S., University of Córdoba. Spain






Comfort temperature and humidity evaluation of a bioclimatic design building
J. Bello Llorente(1), C. Cabo Landeira(2),  A. López-Agüera(2)

1. Department of Construction and Civil Engineering. CIFP Someso. A Coruña. Spain
2. Sustainable Energetic Applications Group, Department of Particle Physics
    Physics Faculty, Santiago de Compostela University. Spain






Voltage Behavior in the Switched Reluctance Generator Due to Different Speed Profiles Aimed at Use in Small Wind Turbines
R. Fidelis(2), G. Viajante(1), L. Coutinho(2), E. Nery(1), F. Mendonça(1), D. Andrade(2), M. Escobar(1),  L. Miranda(1)

1. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Goiás, NUPSE. Itumbiara. Brazil
2. Electric Drives Laboratory, Federal University of Uberlândia. Brazil



