452 |
Practical Advantages of Multivariable Control Strategy for Off-Grid Variable-Speed Variable-Pitch (VS-VP) Wind Turbines
S. Fragoso(1), F.Vázquez(1), F. Morilla(2)
1. Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, University of Córdoba. Spain
2. Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control, UNED, Madrid. Spain |
454 |
Impact of Non-Linear Small Power Receivers on Low Voltage Network Operation Conditions
Julian Wosik, Bogdan Miedzinski, Artur Kozlowski, Marian Kalus
Institute of Innovative Technologies, EMAG, Katowice. Poland |
455 |
Assessment of PV generation based on spherical irradiation measurements
P. Janik(1), Z. Waclawek(1), A. Gubański(1), T. Porsinger(2), H. Schwarz(2)
1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Wroclaw University of Technology. Wrocław. Poland
2. Faculty of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering. Brandenburg University of Technology. Cottbus. Germany |
457 |
Optimization of copper in a renewable source based network
Si Ali.M(1), Fergani.S(1), Flazi.S(1), Boudghene Stambouli.A(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering
2. Department of Electronic
University of Sciences and Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-MB). Algeria |
458 |
Optimization of solar source based network
Fergani.S(1), Si ali.M(1), Flazi.S(1) Boudghene Stambouli.A(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering
2. Department of Electronic. University of Sciences and the Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf. Algeria |
460 |
Harmonic Emission of Large PV Installations Case Study of a 1 MW Solar Campus
Anantaram Varatharajan(1), Stefan Schoettke(1), Jan Meyer(1), Andreas Abart(2)
1. Institute of Electrical Power Quality and High Voltage Engineering, Technical University Dresden. Germany
2. Energie AG Oberösterreich , Gmunden. Austria |
461 |
Inverted hybrid solar cells based on UV-stabilizers with narcoparticles in P3HT:PCBM
J. Calle, F.Jaramillo
Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo de Materiales- CIDEMAT, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín. Colombia |
463 |
Harmonic resonances due to transmission-system cables
M.H.J. Bollen(1), S. Mousavi-Gargari(2), S. Bahramirad(3)
1. Electric Power Systems Group, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå. Sweden
2. Tennet,AS Arnhem. The Netherlands
3. ComEd, Chicago IL .USA |
465 |
Proposal of Technical and Commercial Arrangements for Distributed Generation from the Use of Biogas in a Food Industry
A. C. L. Ramos(1,2), W. P. Calixto(1,2), A. J. Alves(2), E. G. Domingues(2), S. B. de Oliveira(2), S. T. Coelho(3)
1. Program in Electronic Systems and Automation, University of Brasilia. Brazil
2. NEXT-Nucleus of Studies Experimental and Technological, Electrotechnical Department - Federal
Institute of Goias. Brazil
3. The Brazilian Reference Center on Biomass – CENBIO, University of São Paulo – USP. Brazil |
466 |
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Technology: impact of ICTs on the ecological footprint FI4VDI-SUDOE project
Carlos Redondo Gil
Managing Director and Scientific Director, Castile and León Technological Center for Supercomputing (FCSCL). University of León. Spain
Electrical Engineering & Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Department Faculty of Industrial and Computer Engineering, University of León. Spain
Research Group on Energy Efficiency in HP Environments FCSCL |
468 |
New Model for the Estimation of Solar Radiation on Façades in Urban Environments
A. Marquez-Garcia, M. Varo-Martinez, R. Lopez-Luque
Research Group on Physics for Renewable Energy and Resources, University of Cordoba. Spain |
469 |
Power-Flow-Optimising-Algorithm used in an Energy Management for Micro Grids
Jens Teuscher, Björn Born, Wolfgang Schufft
Chair of Power and High-Voltage Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemnitz University of Technology. Germany |
470 |
Parameter Identification of Heffron-Phillips Model Considering AVR Using On-Line Measurements Data
B. Zaker, G. B. Gharehpetian, N. Moaddabi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran.Iran |
472 |
Emission on the low voltage grid: measurements in an urban area
A. Gil-de-Castro(1), S.K. Rönnberg(2), M.H.J. Bollen(2), M. Wahlberg(2,3), A. Moreno-Munoz(1)
1. Departamento A.C., Electrónica y T.E. Escuela Politécnica Superior, University of Cordoba. Spain
2. Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå. Sweden
3. Skellefteå Kraft, Skellefteå. Sweden |
475 |
Adaptive Threshold for Electrical Disturbances Segmentation
L. C. M. Andrade(1) , M. Oleskovicz(1), R. A. S. Fernandes(2)
1 .Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, EESC, University of São Paulo. Brazil
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, CCET, Federal University of São Carlos .Brazil |
478 |
Control of a PEM fuel cell based on maximum power tracking using radial basis function neural networks
A. Ruiz, J.E. Jiménez
Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis.E.P.S., Córdoba University. Spain |
480 |
Object-Oriented Modelling of Small Hydropower Plants
M. L. Ruz, J. Garrido, S. Fragoso, F. Vázquez
Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, E.P.S., Córdoba University. Spain |
483 |
Analytical Expression For The Optimum Tower Height of WECS
Sobhy Mohamed Abdelkader
Queen’s University of Belfast. United Kingdom |
485 |
Telecommunications Infrastructure to Support Distributed Resources Connected to Electricity Distribution in a Smart Grid Scenario
Leonardo Henrique de Melo Leite, Wallace do Couto Boaventura, Luciano de Errico
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering - Federal University of Minas Gerais. Brazil |
486 |
An approach for cost and configuration optimization of horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT)
I. Elbahnasy(1), K. Ellermann(2)
1. Graz University of Technology. Austria
2. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics Mailing. Austria |
488 |
Study of parameters for the design of a continuos flow laboratory biogas reactor
C. A. Almeida(1,2), A. J. Alves(1,2), S. B. Oliveira(2), J. W. Zang(2), W. P. Calixto(1), E. G. Domingues(1,2)
1. Nucleus of Studies Experimental and Technological, Electrotechnical Department - Federal
Institute of Goias. Brazil
2.Research Group of Sustainable Process Technologies - Federal Institute of Goias. Brazil |
490 |
Calculation of phase angle diversity for time-varying harmonic currents from grid measurement
A.M. Blanco, J. Meyer, P. Schegner
Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, Technische Universitaet Dresden. Germany |
491 |
Microgrid control system architecture for improving energy efficiency and demand response integration
Guillermo Escrivá-Escrivá(1), E. C. W. de Jong(2), Carlos Roldán-Blay(1)
1. Institute for Energy Engineering. Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia, Spain
2. DNV KEMA (Flex Power Grid Lab). Arnhem, the Netherlands |
492 |
Heating and cooling a building using water from boreholes
M. R. Duque, J. Pascoal
Department of Physics, University of Evora. Portugal |
498 |
Control strategy for an interface to improve the power quality at the connection of AC microgrids
Salvador Pérez Litrán, Patricio Salmerón Revuelta, Jaime Prieto, Alejandro Pérez Vallés
Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Térmica. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, University of Huelva. Spain |
499 |
Employing Hydrogen Fuel Cell in Hybrid Energy Systems for Stand-Alone, Off-Grid Remote Sites in UAE
Ensiyeh Keshtkaran, Abbas A. Fardoun, Hassan Noura
Department of Electrical Engineering, United Arab Emirates University Al-Ain. UAE |
500 |
Comparison of Discharge Performance of 12V/150Ah Gel and AGM Sealed Lead-acid Batteries in Stand-alone PV-based Systems in UAE
Zahi M. Omer, Ahmed M. Alameri, Abbas A. Fardoun, Ala A. Hussein
Electrical Engineering Department, University of United Arab Emirates, Al-Ain. UAE |
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