438 |
Weather dependent mathematical
model of photovoltaic panels
Milan Belik
Department of Power Engineering and Ecology. University of West
Bohemia. Pilsen. Czech Republic |
439 |
Efficiency of auxiliary
mounted passive solar systems
Milan Belik
Department of Power Engineering and Ecology. University of West
Bohemia. Pilsen. Czech Republic |
440 |
Why some utilities are opposed
to the connection of renewable distributed sources in their distribution
Juan Carlos Gómez Targarona, Jorge Arcurio, Jorge Vaschetti,
Carlos Coyos, Carlos Ibarlucea, Miguel Piumetto
Power Quality Research Group. Córdoba Regional Faculty. Technological
National University. Argentina |
445 |
Drive the switched Reluctance
Generator with mesh load Voltage Control
A.C. Assunção(1), A.W.F.V. Silveira(1), A.V.S.
Fleury(2), D.A. Andrade(1), G.F. Cardoso(1), J.R. Camacho(1), L.C.
1. Federal University of Uberlandia. Minas Gerais. Brazil
2. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás.
Brazil |
446 |
Optimal management of
microgrid with renewable generation
J.A. Domínguez-Navarro(1), J.L. Bernal-Agustín(1),
R. Dufo-López(1), J.S. Artal-Sevil(1), A.A. Bayod-Rújula(1),
J.M. Yusta(1), A. Coronado-Mendoza(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering. E.I.N.A., University of
Zaragoza. Spain
2. Engineering Department, University of Guadalajara, Tonalá
Jalisco, Mexico |
449 |
Pumped-Storage Hydroelectric
Power Stations Location in Tenerife Island
M. Martínez, J. Romero, A. Pulido, F. Deniz, J.C. Quintana
Department of Electrical Engineering. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
University. Spain |
450 |
Cost-Benefit Comparison
of a Time-of-Use Tariff and Real-Time Pricing of Electricity Associated
with Automated HVAC Load Management Strategies in Bank Across Mainland
L. Pires Klein(1,2), L. Landeck(2), L. Matos(2), I. Torres(2), A.
1. Sustainable Energy Systems Doctoral Program. MIT Portugal Initiative.
University of Coimbra. Portugal
2. Virtual Power Solutions Iberia. Pedro Nunes Institute (IPN)–Coimbra.
Portugal |
452 |
On the robustness of a
multiperiod energy management system including electric vehicles
and V2G operation
A. Jiménez-Marín, J. Pérez-Ruiz
Department of Electrical Engineering. Universidad de Málaga.
Spain |
453 |
The Brazilian Automotive
Industry and Sustainability
Nilcéia Cristina dos Santos(1), Reinaldo Gomes da Silva(2),
Maria Helena Bernardo Myczkowski(1)
1. Faculdade de Tecnologia de Piracicaba “Dep. Roque Trevisan.
CEETPS, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica
Paula Souza. Brazil
2. Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba (EEP). FUMEP, Fundação
Municipal de Ensino de Piracicaba. Brazil |
455 |
Determining Five Kinds
of Power Quality Disturbances by Using Statistical Methods and Wavelet
Energy Coefficients
Ç. Kocaman(1), M. Özdemir(2)
1. Department of Aeroplane Maintenance and Repair. Ondokuz Mayıs
University Samsun. Turkey
2. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ondokuz
Mayıs University. Turkey |
456 |
Least-squares versus LMS
parametric approaches for power quality events segmentation
Enrique Alameda-Hernandez(1), Fernando Aznar(1), Francisco Gil(2),
Antonio Espin(1)
1. Área de Ingeniería Eléctrica. Universidad
de Granada. Spain.
2. Área de Ingeniería Eléctrica. Universidad
de Almería.. Spain. |
457 |
Convective Heat Loss Analysis
of a Cavity Receiver for a Solar Concentrator
O. López(1), A. Arenas(2), A. Baños(1)
1. Dpt de Electromagnetismo y Electrónica, University of
Murcia. Spain
2. Dpt. de Informática y Sistemas, University of Murcia.
Spain |
458 |
Study of the Impact of
Introducing Smart Meters in the Spanish Electricity Market
S. Martin, M. Cabral
Department of Electrical Engineering. Escuela Politecnica Superior,
Universidad de Málaga. Spain |
460 |
Trigeneration for domestic
purposes in isolated areas based on hybrid RES
L. Acevedo(1), J. Uche(1), A. Martinez(1), A.A. Bayod-Rújula(2),
A. Del-Amo(3)
1. Energy and Environmental Technologies Area. CIRCE Research Institute.
Zaragoza. Spain
2. Department of Electrical Engineering. Zaragoza. Spain
3. ENDEF Company. Zaragoza. Spain |
461 |
Profitable small-scale
renewable energy systems in agrifood industry and rural areas: demonstration
in the wine sector
José L. Bernal-Agustín(1), Rodolfo Dufo-López(1),
Javier Carroquino-Oñate(1), Jesús S. Artal-Sevil(1),
José A. Domínguez-Navarro(1), Ángel A. Bayod-Rújula(1),
Jesús Yago-Loscos(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering. EINA. Zaragoza University.
2. Intergia energía sostenible S.L. Zaragoza. Spain |
463 |
Analysis of the Energy
Transmission System Performance after the use of Linear Reactor
and Saturated Reactors for Voltage Regulation
A. B. Vasconcellos(1), T.I.R.C. Malheiro(2), I.M. Faria(1), G.N.Lopes(1),
V.H.F. Brito(1)
1. Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Electrical Engineering
Department; Cuiabá. Brazil
2. Federal Institution of Education, Science and Technology of Mato
Grosso; IFMT; Cuiabá. Brazil |
466 |
Design of an Appliance
Switch Responding to Solar Energy
Ambalika Pradip Koshti, Arthur Williams
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. University
of Nottingham. United Kingdom |
467 |
Analysis of the Advanced
Static Var Compensator Performance using ATPDraw
R.M. Martins(1), W. K. A. G. Martins(2), V. H. F. Brito(2),
I. M. Faria(2), B. M. Gianesini(2), R. R. Dias(2)
1. Federal Institute of education, Science and Technology of Mato
Grosso, IFMT, Cuiabá. Brazil
2. Electrical Engineering Department. Federal University of
Mato Grosso (UFMT). Cuiabá. Brazil |
469 |
Impact of overhead
line parameters on the short-term voltage stability and its mitigation
J.C. del-Pino-López, M. Tostado-Véliz, P. Cruz-Romero
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería. University
of Seville. Spain |
470 |
A comparative assessment
of different alternatives to repower transmission corridors for
the future supergrid
M. Borau-Rumbao, P. Cruz-Romero, A. de-la-Villa-Jaén
Department of Electrical Engineering. Escuela Técnica Superior
de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla. Spain |
472 |
with the Sun: Teaching and capaciting about Solar Energy
Juan Bello Llorente
Department of Construction and Civil Engineering. CIFP Someso. A Coruña
(Spain) |
473 |
Analysis of the Impact
of the Crowbar Protection on Short-Circuit Level and Quality Index
Piedy del Mar Agamez Arias(1,2), Marcus Vinicius Alves Nunes(1)
1. Tecnology Institute ITEC - Department of Electrical Engineering.
Federal do Pará University, Guamá. Brazil
2. INESCTEC-InstitutodeEngenharia de Sistemas e Computadores. University
of Porto. Portugal |
475 |
Isolated operation of
wind energy system in critical micro-grid
A. Peña Asensio, M. Garcia-Plaza, S. Arnaltes Gómez,
J.L. Rodriguez-Amenedo, J. Eloy-Garcia Carrasco, J. Alonso-Martinez
Department of Electrical Engineering, Carlos III University, Leganes.
Madrid. Spain |
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