0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7 |
485 |
Time-to-Frequency Domain SMPS Model for Aggregated Harmonic Estimation
Gabriel Malagon-Carvajal, Jeisson Bello-Penay, Gabriel Ordonez-Plataz,
Cesar Duartex
Department of Electric, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering
Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga. Colombia |
488 |
Numerical Investigations
of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Variable Pitch
F. Frunzulica(1,2), C. Olteanu(3), A. Dumitrache(2) D.
1. Department of Aerospace Engineering. POLITEHNICA University
of Bucharest Romania
2. "Gh. Mihoc-C. Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics
and Applied Mathematics, Bucharest. Romania
3. Turbomecanica S.A.Bucharest. Romania |
490 |
Approach to the Modeling
of LDO-Assisted DC-DC Voltage Linear Regulators
Nasima Sedaghati, Herminio Martínez-García, Jordi
Eastern Barcelona School of Engineering. (Escuela de Ingeniería
de Barcelona Este, EEBE). Department of Electronics Engineering.
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). BarcelonaTech. Spain |
491 |
Course on Renewable Energies
for Energy Engineering Students in the Framework of the European
Higher Education Area (EHEA)
Herminio Martínez-García, Jordi Cosp-Vilella
Eastern Barcelona School of Engineering (Escuela de Ingeniería
de Barcelona Este – EEBE). Department of Electronics Engineering.
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). BarcelonaTech. Spain |
493 |
Compensation of Voltage
Harmonics for LCL-filtered Inverters in Islanded Microgrids
R. Ghanizadeh(1), M. Ebadian(1), G. B. Gharehpetian(2)
1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University
of Birjand. Iran B
2. Electrical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology,
Tehran. Iran |
495 |
Intelligent Transmitter
of Field (ITF) Based on Microcontroller for Data Acquisition in
PV Solar Plants
Herminio Martínez-García, Encarna García-Vílchez
Eastern Barcelona School of Engineering (Escuela de Ingeniería
de Barcelona Este, EEBE). Department of Electronics Engineering.
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). BarcelonaTech. Spain |
497 |
Forklifts, Automated Guided
Vehicles and Horizontal Order Pickers in Industrial Environments.
Energy Management of an Active Hybrid Power System based on Batteries,
PEM Fuel Cells and Ultracapacitors
J.S. Artal-Sevil, J.L. Bernal-Agustín, R. Dufo-López,
J.A. Domínguez-Navarro
Department of Electrical Engineering. EINA Escuela de Ingeniería
y Arquitectura. University of Zaragoza. Spain |
498 |
Assessment of Harmonic
Contribution of a Photovoltaic Installation Based on Field Measurements
Morteza Pourarab, Jan Meyer, Robert Stiegler
Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering
Technische Universitaet Dresden. Germany |
500 |
Network Usage Tariff (NUT)
structure and vision in Hungary in consideration of renewable generation
I. Vokony
Department of Electric Power Engineering. Budapest University of
Technology and Economics. Hungary |
501 |
Nonlinear Control Structure
of Grid Connected Modular Multilevel Converters
A. Hajizadeh(1), L.E.Norum(2), A. Ahadpour Shal(3)
1. Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University. Denmark
2. Department of Electrical Power Engineering. Norwegian University
of Science And Technology.
Trondheim. Norway
3. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
RWTH-Aachen University. Germany |
504 |
The Impact of the Air-Conditioning
Systems on the Urban Microclimate of Beirut City
Z. Ghaddar, K. Ghali, N. Ghaddar
Department of Mechanical Engineering. FEA, American University of
Beirut. Lebanon |
505 |
Optmisation of bipolar
plate through computational fluid dynamic simulation and modelling
using nickle open pore cellular foam material
Tabbi Wilberforce(1), Ahmed Al Makky(1), A. Baroutaji(2), Rubal
Sambi(1), A. G. Olabi(1)
1. Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies, University
of the West of Scotland. United Kingdom
2. Cork Institute of Technology, Department of Process, Energy and
Transport Engineering. United Kingdom |
507 |
New Control Algorithms
for Microgrids Based on Microturbines
I. Leibar, I. Zamora, P. Eguia, J.I. San Martin
Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Basque Country
- UPV/EHU. Bilbao. Spain |
510 |
Analysis of the insertion
of solar Photovoltaic generation in large consumers of Rio de Janeiro:
A Case Study
Nogueira, P.C.(1), Souza, C. R.(2)
1. Civil Engineering Department
2. Electrical Engineering Department. PUC-Rio, Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil |
512 |
Design and Prototype of
a Micro Hydrokinetic Vertical Turbine
A.M. Ramirez Tovar(1), Y.U. Lopez(2), S.Laín(2)
1. Renewable Energy for All-Foundation. Cali, Colombia
2. Autonoma de Occidente University, Department of Energetic and
Mechanic, Cali. Colombia |
514 |
Energy efficiency strategies
to improve productivity and competitiveness of the EU countries
A. Martínez, S. Valero, C. Senabre, E. Velasco
Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering. E.T.S.I.I., Miguel
Hernandez University Elche, Alicante. Spain |
518 |
Solar belt supplies electricity
for the World
Péter Kádár
Óbuda University. Dept. of Power Systems, Alternative Energy
Sources Knowledge Centre. Budapest. Hungary |
520 |
Prospectes of wind power
generation in Jordan: the case of street lighting
S. Sawalha
Faculty of Engineering Technology. Al-Balqa’ Applied University.
Amman |
521 |
Propulsion Subsystem
On Low Cost Electric Vehicles Using Common Large Scale Industrial
Claudinilson A. Luczkiewicz, César D. Paredes Crovato
Department of Electrical Engineering. Universidade Vale do Rio dos
Campus of São Leopoldo; Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil |
522 |
Passive Series-Parallel Compensator
for Non-sinusoidal Power System
Seong-Jeub Jeon
Department of Electronic Engineering. Pukyong National University.
Busan. Korea |
525 |
salt based nuclear-renewable energy system with thermal storage
G. Maronati, B. Petrovic
Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta USA |