step: PAYMENT.

conference registration fee for authors and participants covers full attendance
at the conference, or on-line presentations, the presentation of papers, from one to three, and the publication of
your definitive full paper in the ICREPQ-Database and also, free of charge, in one of the open access and with Crossref DOI Journals, published by the European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality (AEDERMACP /EA4EPQ), or in other journals. And for the people that will attend to the conference in-person lunches during the three days the three coffee
the Civic Reception and the Cultural
Accompanying persons
registration for guests accompanying conference participants (members of
the same university/company or wives/husbands, couples, sons, daughters,
or other family, of the participants). For the reduced registration fee
is only permitted one accompanying person for each participant. Their registration
include: lunches during the three days, the three coffee
breaks, the Civic
Reception and the Cultural
Before April 15, 2025 (*) |
April 15, 2025 (*) |
April 15, 2025(*) |
Authors/Participants |
495 |
€ 515 |
€ 455 |
€ 465 |
Students (**) |
445 |
465 |
€ 395 |
€ 405 |
paper. |
180 |
185 |
180 |
185 |
paper |
170 |
175 |
170 |
175 |
Conf. Participants |
390 |
€ 395 |
--- |
--- |
Civic Reception (25th) |
00 |
00 |
--- |
--- |
Dinner (26th) |
70 |
80 |
--- |
--- |
Visit (27th) |
00 |
00 |
--- |
--- |
fee = (*) Euros. We'll consider all participants as
Temporary Members of the EA4EPQ Association, Agreement of EA4EPQ General
Meeting of March 12th, 2009, thus in accordance with the Law 37/1992
and the Royal Decree 1624/1992, Ministry of Finance's letter of 7 May 2003
for EA4EPQ members, the participants are not required to pay taxes
(21% VAT).
(**) For students it is necessary to provide any Faculty or Department document
that justify the student condition.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION. You must bear in mind that for the Civic Recepción: (Coctail+Group of musicians+Bus+guided night visit to La Laguna) (Additional tickets: 60 Euros), the optional Conference Dinner (Appetizer+Group of Musicians+Dinner in the Gran Hotel La Laguna) and the Cultural Visit (Bus+Guided visit to Teide and La Orotava) (Additional tickets: 55 Euros) we need to know the number of people, then you need to send us a message for to reserve a place for you and, if the case, your accompanying person, to the ICREPQ Secretariat.
The authors that have one provisionally accepted paper need to wait for the acceptance letter before to formalize the registration of that paper. We will not deliver invitation letters before to formalize and pay the registration. Take into account the importance and the effort for to prepare all the participants'
documentation before the conference, the registratrion fee will be
increased 15% after May 15, 2025 over all the concepts.
by credit card: The fee will be increase about
5% for to use the plastic card in the web
CANCELLATION. Cancellation refunds, or changes about the tipe of pressentation, minus handling and administration costs of
10%, will be made by bank transfer for written cancellations, or changes, received by
the International Secretariat prior to May 15, 2025. No refunds
will be made for cancellations, or changes, after that date, or if the participant have
requested an invoice and we have emitted it before that date, nevertheless
the documentation of the conference will be mailed.
INVOICE. Please send to the International Secretariat the correct
information for make the invoice: name, company,address, VAT code (or passport
number).We'll not carry out modifications on the invoices after the conference. Please enter the information to prepare the invoice in Registration
Form. Except in special cases, we'll deliver the invoices at the ICREPQ-Secretariat
during the conference days.
VISA. If you need to get VISA for to attend to the ICREPQ conference, we'll
have much pleasure in sending you, after your registration and the payment of your registration fee, one invitation letter for to present the application to the Spanish embassy, or consulate, in your country. For to do that, please,
send us a copy of your passport and the reference of your paper. If you
click in VISA you can download a .PDF file with the VISA requirement in
Spain VISA